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Posts by Andrew White

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Bible Study Basics: Tools


Why should we use Bible study tools to help us interpret, understand, and apply Scripture? Here are some tools we recommend....

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Bible Study Basics: The Bible Is NOT About You!


Jesus is the point of the Bible. He is the hero. You are not. And that is the best news you could possibly hear today. ...

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Bible Study Basics: Get Started


How do I get started really studying the Bible? The first thing you need seems obvious: a good Bible....

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Bible Study Basics: How to Read


After a good copy of the Scriptures, a pen and paper are your next most necessary and helpful tools for effective Bible study....

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Bible Study Basics: Schedule It


You won't just get around to reading your Bible. That's why another important tool you need for Bible study is a calendar....

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Bible Study Basics: Genres


The Bible features many different genres. Understanding the difference will go a long way to helping you interpret the Bible more accurately. ...

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Bible Study Basics: The Three Rules


The three most important rules for interpreting the Bible are context, context, context....

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Bible Study Basics: Don't Plan to Fail


Following a Bible reading plan and using a consistent method will help you take your Bible study to a deeper level....

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Adopted Into the Family


Through our relationship with Jesus Christ, we are adopted into the family of God. As adopted children, we have an eternal inheritance, we are a delight to our Father, and we receive God's blessings by grace alone....

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Recommended Resource: Identifying False Teachers


How can we identify false teaching? This video helps....

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What are Equipping Classes?

EC 1080

Equipping Classes are one of the discipleship options at ICBC. Learn more about this exciting new ministry here....

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The Nature of True Faith


True faith comes from God, is centered on Jesus Christ, transforms us, and results in good works....

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Is Church Membership Biblical?


What does the Bible have to say about church membership? Explicitly, not much. Implicitly, a lot!...

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EQUIPPING CLASS HIGHLIGHT: Book Studies on Genesis, Luke, and Romans

book study highlight

Still deciding which Equipping Class to attend? Consider a verse-by-verse Book Study. We have three options for you....

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EQUIPPING CLASS HIGHLIGHT: Bible Study Methods + Understanding the New Testament

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Still deciding which Equipping Class to attend? Learn Bible Study Methods with Jason Sadler and then apply them with a study of the New Testament....

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EQUIPPING CLASS HIGHLIGHT: Old Testament Survey, Part 2

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Still deciding which Equipping Class to attend? Join Bill Sessum for part 2 of his Old Testament Survey class....

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EQUIPPING CLASS HIGHLIGHT: Theology of Work, Theology 1, and 24/6

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Still deciding which Equipping Class to attend? Skipper Bennett is offering back-to-back-to-back Core Studies on practical theology....

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EQUIPPING CLASS HIGHLIGHT: The Story of Everything + Church History 1

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Still deciding which Equipping Class to attend? Check out the back-to-back Core Studies led by Pastor Andrew....

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Don't Wait for the New Year!


Why wait until New Year's Day to up your Scripture intake? Why not start now? We have a resource that will help you....

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Five Ways to Love the Widow


It's the most wonderful time of the year to love and minister to widows. Here are some suggestions....

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Five Ways to Love the Orphan


God tells us in his word to love orphans. Here are 5 ways to obey God's command to love the orphan....

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Happy Reformation Day!

reformation day

Forget Halloween. October 31st is the anniversary one of the most important days in church history: Reformation Day!...

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Sing Like a Child


Sometimes children understand what we adults do not. We praise God because He loves us....

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Song Spotlight: You Never Change


The song You Never Change by Austin Stone Worship reminds us that our God is immutable. He is the only constant and our only hope in life and death....

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i was glad

"I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord'" (Psalm 122:1). Amen to that!...

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Christians Leak


Christians need frequent reminders of the truths of Scripture. Here are four reminders that can help us today....

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Recommended Resources: Understanding the Trinity


Struggling to understand the Trinity? You're not alone. Here are five resources to help you!...

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Why We Sing


We sing in response to what God has done for us. We sing because we've been set free in Christ!...

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Look and Obey


The book of James urges us to look into God's Word and obey it. Community Groups help us do just that....

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Song Spotlight: Nailed to the Cross


We take a look at the wonderful theology in a new song we sing at Indian Creek Baptist Church....

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Community Groups: A Testimonial


God has used Community Groups in significant ways to grow Andrew in his faith....

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Charles Spurgeon on Forgetting Jesus


We forget Christ so easily. Communion helps us remember Him....

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Song Spotlight: Is He Worthy?


Song Spotlight is a series where Andrew writes about great songs....

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