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Post Category: Bible Study

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Bible Study Basics: Get Started


How do I get started really studying the Bible? The first thing you need seems obvious: a good Bible....

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Bible Study Basics: How to Read


After a good copy of the Scriptures, a pen and paper are your next most necessary and helpful tools for effective Bible study....

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Can I trust the Bible?

trust the bible

Is the Bible true? Is it trustworthy? How can I be sure? In this new series, we dive into the reliability of God's Word....

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Bible Study Basics: Schedule It


You won't just get around to reading your Bible. That's why another important tool you need for Bible study is a calendar....

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Can I Trust the Bible? (Part I): God Speaks

trust the bible

Our God speaks. He creates and sustains through His word. Praise God that He does not keep silent....

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Can I Trust the Bible (Part II): God's Word in Human Words

trust the bible

The God who speaks actually speaks to us, both in creation and in human words....

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Can I Trust the Bible? (Part III): God’s Word Written

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Scripture is evidence of God's mercy. God in his kindness has made his Word accessible to all people in all places by committing his Word to writing....

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Bible Study Basics: Don't Plan to Fail


Following a Bible reading plan and using a consistent method will help you take your Bible study to a deeper level....

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Bible Study Basics: The Three Rules


The three most important rules for interpreting the Bible are context, context, context....

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Can I Trust the Bible? (Part V): The Old Testament Canon

trust the bible

Evidence clearly shows that there are 39 specific documents that make up the "canon" of the Old Testament....

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