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Posts Tagged with "Bible study"

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Bible Study Basics: Get Started


How do I get started really studying the Bible? The first thing you need seems obvious: a good Bible....

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Bible Study Basics: How to Read


After a good copy of the Scriptures, a pen and paper are your next most necessary and helpful tools for effective Bible study....

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Bible Study Basics: Schedule It


You won't just get around to reading your Bible. That's why another important tool you need for Bible study is a calendar....

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Can I Trust the Bible? (Part I): God Speaks

trust the bible

Our God speaks. He creates and sustains through His word. Praise God that He does not keep silent....

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Bible Study Basics: Don't Plan to Fail


Following a Bible reading plan and using a consistent method will help you take your Bible study to a deeper level....

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Bible Study Basics: The Three Rules


The three most important rules for interpreting the Bible are context, context, context....

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Can I Trust the Bible (Part IV): Which Bible?

trust the bible

The question of which documents belong in the Bible is a matter of "canonicity" or "canon" (a word that means "standard"). In other words, which books meet the "standard" of being the Word of God? To answer that question, we must begin with the right attitude. ...

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Bible Study Basics: Genres


The Bible features many different genres. Understanding the difference will go a long way to helping you interpret the Bible more accurately. ...

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Bible Study Basics: The Bible Is NOT About You!


Jesus is the point of the Bible. He is the hero. You are not. And that is the best news you could possibly hear today. ...

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Bible Study Basics: Tools


Why should we use Bible study tools to help us interpret, understand, and apply Scripture? Here are some tools we recommend....

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EQUIPPING CLASS HIGHLIGHT: Book Studies on Genesis, Luke, and Romans

book study highlight

Still deciding which Equipping Class to attend? Consider a verse-by-verse Book Study. We have three options for you....

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EQUIPPING CLASS HIGHLIGHT: Bible Study Methods + Understanding the New Testament

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Still deciding which Equipping Class to attend? Learn Bible Study Methods with Jason Sadler and then apply them with a study of the New Testament....

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Does God Change His Mind?


The Bible says God does not change his mind. But what about Jonah 3:10 or Exodus 32:14? Does the Bible contradict itself? Pastor Jake answers this tough question....

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Community Groups: A Testimonial


God has used Community Groups in significant ways to grow Andrew in his faith....

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