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Posts Tagged with "can I trust the Bible"

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Can I Trust the Bible? (Part V): The Old Testament Canon

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Evidence clearly shows that there are 39 specific documents that make up the "canon" of the Old Testament....

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Can I Trust the Bible (Part IV): Which Bible?

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The question of which documents belong in the Bible is a matter of "canonicity" or "canon" (a word that means "standard"). In other words, which books meet the "standard" of being the Word of God? To answer that question, we must begin with the right attitude. ...

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Can I trust the Bible?

trust the bible

Is the Bible true? Is it trustworthy? How can I be sure? In this new series, we dive into the reliability of God's Word....

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Can I Trust the Bible? (Part I): God Speaks

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Our God speaks. He creates and sustains through His word. Praise God that He does not keep silent....

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Can I Trust the Bible? (Part III): God’s Word Written

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Scripture is evidence of God's mercy. God in his kindness has made his Word accessible to all people in all places by committing his Word to writing....

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Can I Trust the Bible (Part II): God's Word in Human Words

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The God who speaks actually speaks to us, both in creation and in human words....

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