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Posts Tagged with "Jesus"

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Bible Study Basics: The Bible Is NOT About You!


Jesus is the point of the Bible. He is the hero. You are not. And that is the best news you could possibly hear today. ...

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Sing Like a Child


Sometimes children understand what we adults do not. We praise God because He loves us....

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Christians Leak


Christians need frequent reminders of the truths of Scripture. Here are four reminders that can help us today....

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Recommended Resources: Understanding the Trinity


Struggling to understand the Trinity? You're not alone. Here are five resources to help you!...

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Leading Your Child to Christ: Tell the Story


How do I begin sharing Jesus with my children? Start by telling the simple story of the gospel and your testimony....

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What is Love?


In his new series, Pastor David will help you learn how to lead your child to faith in Jesus Christ. To love our own children well, we need to understand God's love for us!...

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Charles Spurgeon on Forgetting Jesus


We forget Christ so easily. Communion helps us remember Him....

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