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What Jesus Prays For

April 26, 2020 Preacher: Jake Grogan Series: The Gospel of John

Scripture: John 17:1–26

In this chapter, we read Jesus' High Preistly prayer. In this prayer, which occurs shortly before the events leading to His crucifixion, Jesus prays for His own glory, the perseverance and consecration of the apostles, and our unity with each other and with Him.

I. Jesus Prays for Himself (vv. 1–5)
II. Jesus Prays for His Apostles (vv. 6–19)
III. Jesus Prays for Us (vv. 20–26)

More in The Gospel of John

August 2, 2020

The Reason You're Alive

July 26, 2020

No Doubt

July 5, 2020

The Darkness and the Dawn (Part 2)